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HOL-1903-01: NSX Installation and Configuration Part 2

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This part of the lab is presented as a Hands-on Labs Interactive Simulation. This will allow you to experience steps which are too time-consuming or resource intensive to do live in the lab environment. In this simulation, you can use the software interface as if you are interacting with a live environment.

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NSX Installation and Configuration

You should now be back at the vSphere Web Client tab in Chrome.

  1. Click on the Home icon and then select the Networking & Security tab to manage NSX.
  2. Click the Installation and Upgrade link.

This takes you to the NSX Manager Installation and Upgrade page, which contains five tabs:

  • Management - Used to deploy NSX Controllers, and configure NSX in a cross vCenter environment.
  • Host Preparation - Used to deploy VMware Infrastructure Bundles (VIBs) to the hosts, Configure VXLAN Tunnel End Points (VTEPs) on the hosts, and perform troubleshooting.
  • Logical Network Settings - Used to define the VXLAN Network Identifier (VNI) Segment ID pool, configure the port used for VXLAN, and to manage Transport Zones.
  • Service Deployments - Used to manage Third Party services.
  • Upgrade - A new feature in NSX 6.4, Upgrade Coordinator. This allows you to define an upgrade plan that will manage and automate the installation of NSX software components when an update is available.

Within the Management tab of Installation and Upgrade, there are two additional tabs available:

  • NSX Managers - Used to view all linked NSX Managers, and to configure NSX for a cross vCenter environment.
  • NSX Controller Nodes - Used to view and deploy the NSX Controller cluster.  A deployment of NSX requires three active/active, fault tolerant controller nodes to be deployed.
  1. The next step of an NSX installation is to deploy your NSX Controller cluster. To do this, click on the NSX Controller Nodes tab of Management.
  2. To create a new NSX Controller, click on the "+ ADD" button.

We now need to configure the appropriate settings for the NSX Controller:

  1. NSX Manager - (already selected).
  2. Credentials for Controller - The NSX Controller has a 12 character password requirement, and is only specified for the first controller. All subsequent NSX Controllers will utilize the same password. Enter and confirm the password to be used for the NSX Controller: VMware1!VMware1!
  3. Click NEXT.
  4. Name - controller-01
  5. Datacenter - RegionA01 (already selected).
  6. Cluster / Resource Pool - Select the RegionA01-MGMT01 cluster.
  7. Datastore - Select the RegionA01-ISCSI01-MGMT01 datastore.
  8. Host - Optionally select a host to deploy the controller to. (no selection needed)
  9. Folder - Optionally place the controller into a specific vCenter folder.  (no selection needed)
  10. Click on the Select Network link next to Connected To.
  11. Select the VM-RegionA01-vDS-MGMT Distributed Port Group.
  12. Click OK to confirm.
  13. Click on the Select IP Pool link next to Select IP Pool.
  14. Click the CREATE NEW IP POOL link.
  15. Name - Controller-IP-Pool
  16. Gateway -
  17. Prefix Length - 24
  18. Primary DNS -
  19. DNS Suffix - corp.local
  20. Below the IP Pool Range section, click the "+ ADD" link to add an IP Pool Range.
  21. Enter an IP address range of
  22. Press Enter/Return.
  23. Click ADD to complete.
  24. Select the Controller-IP-Pool and click OK.
  25. Verify all information is correct, then click FINISH to deploy the first NSX Controller.

The first controller should start deploying and would typically take approximately 5 - 10 minutes to complete in an actual environment. This wait is skipped for the simulation.

Once the first controller has successfully deployed and the status shows Connected, you can deploy the two additional controllers required for a production NSX environment.

  1. Click on the "+ ADD" button to add another controller and enter the settings as per the first controller. You will notice that for additional controllers there is no need to specify a password.  The password used for the first controller is used for all subsequent controllers.
  • NSX Manager - (already selected). Click NEXT.
  • Name - controller-02
  • Datacenter - RegionA01 (already selected).
  • Cluster/Resource Pool - RegionA01-MGMT01
  • Datastore - RegionA01-ISCSI01-MGMT01
  • Connected To - VM-RegionA01-vDS-MGMT
  • IP Pool - Controller-IP-Pool
  1. Click FINISH to proceed.

Add a third controller by clicking the "+ ADD" button and entering the following information:

  • NSX Manager - (already selected). Click NEXT.
  • Name - controller-03
  • Datacenter - RegionA01 (already selected).
  • Cluster/Resource Pool - RegionA01-MGMT01
  • Datastore - RegionA01-ISCSI01-MGMT01
  • Connected To - VM-RegionA01-vDS-MGMT
  • IP Pool - Controller-IP-Pool
  1. Click FINISH to proceed.

Once all three controllers have been deployed, verify that they are all connected to the NSX Manager instance and the status shows Connected. During deployment you may see the existing Controllers' peer status temporarily change to red. This is a normal part of the deployment process as the Controllers establish synchronization, and should return to green within 1 - 2 minutes.

Host Preparation

  1. Click on the Host Preparation tab.

NSX components are deployed to hosts on a per-cluster basis. You cannot prepare a single host within a cluster.

  1. Click to select the RegionA01-COMP01 cluster.
  2. Click on the Actions button.
  3. Click Install.
  4. Click YES to confirm the install.

The VMware Infrastructure Bundles (vibs) are now being pushed down to all ESXi hosts in the cluster. This should only take a few minutes to complete. The prepared hosts do not require a reboot.

Verify that the NSX Installation has completed successfully and shows the version of NSX that you are currently deploying. The Firewall column should also show a status of Enabled. Communication Channels will remain UNKNOWN until setup has been completed.

Next, install the NSX components on the RegionA01-MGMT01 cluster.

  1. Highlight the RegionA01-MGMT01 cluster.
  2. Click on the Actions button.
  3. Click Install.
  4. Click YES to confirm the install.

As mentioned above, although kernel modules have been pushed and the hosts in these clusters have been prepared for NSX, they are not yet configured for VXLAN. This requires the setup of VXLAN Tunnel End Point (VTEP) vmkNIC ports on each host participating in Logical Networking.

  1. Select RegionA01-COMP01 from the list of available clusters.
  2. To configure a cluster click the Actions button, followed by Configure VXLAN. You can alternately click the CONFIGURE link to the right of the VXLAN "Not Configured" status.
  3. Due to the lab environment, VLAN will be left at 0. In an actual deployment, this number would be the VLAN provisioned for the hosts' VTEP interfaces.
  4. For vmkNIC IP Addressing, choose IP Pool, then click the NEW IP POOL link.
  5. Enter the following information:
  • Name: VTEP-Pool-RegionA01
  • Gateway:
  • Prefix Length: 24
  • Primary DNS:
  • DNS Suffix: corp.local
  1. Below the IP Pool Range section, click the "+ ADD" link to add an IP Pool Range.
  • Enter an IP address range of
  • Press Enter/Return.
  • Click ADD to complete.
  • Select the VTEP-Pool-RegionA01 IP pool.
  1. Click SAVE to configure VXLAN networking for RegionA01-COMP01.
  2. Once completed, select RegionA01-MGMT01 from the list of available clusters.
  3. Repeat this process to configure VXLAN for RegionA01-MGMT01.
  4. Click the Actions button, followed by Configure VXLAN. You can alternately click the CONFIGURE link to the right of the VXLAN "Not Configured" status.
  5. Accept all default values.  Because VTEP-Pool-RegionA01 was defined in the previous step, there is no need to allocate another IP Pool for this cluster.
  6. Click SAVE.

Verifying VXLAN Tunnel End Points (VTEPs)

To verify that the VTEPs have configured IP addresses, either via DHCP or an IP Pool:

  1. Click the "VIEW DETAILS" link to the right of a host.
  2. Ensure IP address have been assigned to the hosts (in the vmkNIC IP Addresses field).

Finally, let's assign a pool of Segment IDs to be used by NSX when provisioning Logical Switches.

  1. Click the Logical Network Settings tab.
  2. Click the EDIT button to the right of Segment IDs.
  3. Enter 5000-5999 as the range for the Segment ID pool.

The Segment ID Pool specifies a range of available VXLAN Network Identifiers (VNIs) for use when creating Logical Network segments.

  1. Click SAVE to confirm.

Create a new Transport Zone

  1. Click to select the Transport Zones tab.
  2. Click "+ ADD" to create a new Transport Zone.
  3. Enter the Name RegionA0-Global-TZ
  4. Ensure that Unicast is selected for Replication Mode.
  5. Under Select Clusters, select both the RegionA01-COMP01 and RegionA01-MGMT01 clusters to add them to the Transport Zone. Any Logical Switches created in this Transport Zone will automatically be available to the clusters selected here.
  6. Click ADD to confirm.
  7. Verify the Transport Zone has been successfully created.

NSX Manager Health and Process

  1. Click on the Dashboard tab.

Viewing the Dashboard provides a view of the overall health of the NSX environment. The Dashboard alerts us to any potential issues with the NSX Manager, Controllers, Hosts, Firewall and Logical Switches.

  1. Confirm that NSX Manager displays a green circle.  This indicates a Healthy status. The circle can be clicked to view details about the NSX Manager. Click again to close the popup window that appears.
  2. Confirm that the NSX Controllers display three green circles.  This indicates a Healthy status across the controller cluster. The circles can be clicked to view details about the NSX Controller nodes. Click again to close the popup window that appears.
  3. Confirm that the External Components row displays a green circle. This indicates a Healthy EAM service, which is a service provided by vCenter that manages component deployments. The circle can be clicked to view details about the External Components. Click again to close the popup window that appears.

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