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HOL-1811-02: vCenter Server Appliance Migration

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This part of the lab is presented as a Hands-on Labs Interactive Simulation. This will allow you to experience steps which are too time-consuming or resource intensive to do live in the lab environment. In this simulation, you can use the software interface as if you are interacting with a live environment.

The orange boxes show where to click, and the left and right arrow keys can also be used to move through the simulation in either direction.

The purpose of this module is to demonstrate how to upgrade and migrate a Windows vCenter Server 5.5 with a local SQL Server Database connected to an external Windows SSO Server to the new vCenter Server Appliance (VCSA) with a vPostgres Embedded Database connected to an external Platform Services Controller (PSC).

You can accomplish this by using the Migration Assistant tool which is initiated separately on the source Windows vCenter Server and Windows Single Sign-On Server respectfully. 

Migration Process Overview

Migrating a Windows vCenter with an external SSO to the new vCenter Server Appliance with an external Platform Services Controller is a 2-step process.  If you choose to, the process will enable you to migrate everything (Configuration, events, tasks, and perfromance metrics) to the new vCenter Server Appliance.  This is optional and may impact migration's length of time to complete.

Prior to this tool, a manual migration like this would result in a new Universal Unique Identifier (UUID) and new Managed Object Reference (MoRef) ID, thus causing challenges for external applications.

This vCenter Server Appliance migration process consists of two stages (for each source):

Stage 1: Deploy a fresh appliance / OVF

Stage 2: Setting up the appliance server

Login to Windows vCenter

  1. Click Google Chrome on the desktop (The default startup page is the login screen for the 5.5 Windows vCenter Server "vc-01a")
  2. User name: administrator@vsphere.local
  3. Password: VMware1!
  4. Click Login

View the vSphere Web Client Version

  1. Click the dropdown arrow next to Help
  2. Click on About VMware vSphere (The existing version of vSphere Web Client will be 5.5 displayed)
  3. Click X in upper right corner of the window to exit out of Google Chrome

Remote Desktop to SSO server

  1. Click the sso-01a shortcut on the dekstop to access the SSO server via RDP

Run Migration Assistant on Windows SSO Server 5.5

  1. Click the VMware-Migration-Assistant executable
  2. Enter password VMware1! for Administrator@vsphere.local and press enter
  3. When the initialization is complete, Click the "_" in the right corner of the RDP window to minimize it


This process was sped up as part of the simulation. In a typical environment this could take a few minutes to complete.

Execute the vCenter Server Appliance WIN32 Installer

  1. Click win32-Shortcut on the desktop
  2. Click installer.exe

Migrating Windows Single Sign-On to the Platform Services Controller Appliance

  1. Click Migrate


  1. Click Next

End user license agreement

  1. Click I Accept the terms of the license agreement
  2. Click Next

Connect to target

  1. Provide Target sever or hostname esx-01a.corp.local
  2. HTTPS default port is 443
  3. User name is root
  4. Password is VMware1!
  5. Click Next and Yes to Certificate Warning

Set up target appliance VM

Here we provide a name for the appliance VM.  This name will be displayed within vSphere.  The identity of the appliance will be restored to the host name of the migrated Windows SSO Server once the migration is completed.

  1. Target appliance VM should be psc-01a
  2. Root password is VMware1!
  3. Confirm password
  4. Click Next

Connect to source Single Sign-On server

Here we provide the source server's information that we want to migrate.

  1. Enter the FQN of the Source SSO Windows Server sso-01a.corp.local
  2. Migration assistant port: Leave default 9123
  3. SSO user name is administrator@vsphere.local
  4. SSO password is VMware1!
  5. Click Next and Yes when Certificate Warning presents itself

Select datastore

This simulation contains only one datastore.  In typical environments there would be multiple datastores available.

FreeNAS:NFSA datastore is already selected

  1. Click Enable Thin Disk Mode
  2. Click Next

Temporary network settings

For this simulation we are using DHCP, however in a typical environment you would use a static IP assignment.  The VM Network is pre-configured as part of this lesson we are leaving the default IP version as IPv4.  The IP address used here will be replaced when the appliance is configured with source IP.  That is why this is a temporary setting.

  1. Click and select DHCP as the IP assignment (System Name remains blank in this lesson)
  2. Click Next

Stage 1:  Ready to complete

  1. Review the summary
  2. Click Finish to start Deployment of the appliance

Stage 1: Deployment Complete

This process was sped up as part of the simulation. In a typical environment this could take several minutes to complete.

  1. Click Continue to begin Stage 2 of the SSO migration to the Platform Services Controller Appliance

Stage 2: Set Up PSC: Introduction

Stage 2 involves configuring the newly deployed vCenter Server Appliance by copying the configuration data from the source Windows Single Sign-On server.

  1. Click "Next to begin Stage 2 and set up the Platform Services Controller Appliance

Stage 2: Select the source installation

In a previous step we left the Migration Assistant running on the Windows Single Sign-On server, so that source installation will be displayed here.

  1. Enter the SSO Password: VMware1!
  2. Click Next

Pre-migration check result

The installer runs a Pre-Migration check and in this example provides some information warnings about network placement as shown.  It is ok to proceed here.

  1. Click Close to continue

Join AD Domain

  1. Enter AD User name Administrator
  2. Enter AD Password VMware1!
  3. Click Next

Configure CEIP

  1. Click the box for Join the VMware's Customer Experience Improvement Program (CEIP)
  2. Click Next

Ready to complete

Review the settings, as information about the Source, Target and Migration Data will be listed here

  1. Click and select I have backed up the source Single Sign-On server and all the required data from the database
  2. Click Finish
  3. Click Ok on the Shutdown Warning

Verify and complete

This process was sped up as part of the simulation. In a typical environment this could take several minutes to complete. There will be 3 steps displayed as completed, review this screen to learn more about them.  

  1. Click Close and Google Chrome will open with a Welcome screen
  2. Click Platform Services Controller Web Client to open it
  3. Click Advanced
  4. Click Proceed to sso-01a.corp.local

Verify and complete (continued)

Let's login to the new Platform Services Controller Appliance.

  1. Type administrator@vsphere.local
  2. Password: VMware1!
  3. Click Login to validate the Platform Services Controller is is accessible
  4. Close Google Chrome and proceed with this lesson by clicking the X in the upper right corner of Google Chrome

This concludes Stage 2 of migrating the Windows Single Sign-On Server to the Platform Services Controller Appliance.  Keep the simulation window open as we migrate vCenter Server next

Windows vCenter Migration

Next we need to migrate and upgrade the Windows vCenter Server

Remote Desktop to Windows vCenter server

  1. Click the vc-01a shortcut on the dekstop to access the vCenter Server via RDP

Run Migration Assistant on Windows vCenter Server

  1. Click the VMware-Migration-Assistant executable
  2. Enter password VMware1! for Administrator@vsphere.local and press enter
  3. When the initialization is complete, Click the "_" in the right corner of the RDP window to minimize it


This process was sped up as part of the simulation. In a typical environment this could take a few minutes to complete.

Execute the vCenter Server Appliance WIN32 Installer

The vCenter Server Appliance WIN32 installer directory will still be visible since we ran it for the Platform Services Controller Appliance migration. The installer needs to be executed again.

  1. Click installer.exe

Migrating Windows vCenter to the vCenter Server Appliance

  1. Click Migrate


  1. Click Next

End user license agreement

  1. Click I Accept the terms of the license agreement
  2. Click Next

Connect to target

  1. Provide Target sever or hostname esx-02a.corp.local
  2. HTTPS default port is 443
  3. User name is root
  4. Password is VMware1!
  5. Click Next and Yes to Certificate Warning

Set up target appliance VM

Here we provide a name for the appliance VM. This name will be displayed within vSphere.  The identity of the appliance will be restored to the host name of the migrated Windows vCenter Server once the migration is completed.

  1. Target appliance VM should be vca-01a
  2. Root password is VMware1!
  3. Confirm password
  4. Click Next

Connect to source Windows vCenter Server

Here we provide the source server's information that we want to migrate.

  1. Enter the FQN of the Source Windows server vc-01a.corp.local
  2. Migration assistant port: Leave default 9123
  3. SSO user name is administrator@vsphere.local
  4. SSO password is VMware1!
  5. Click Next and Yes when Certificate Warning presents itself

Select deployment size

For the purposes of this lab, we chose to use the smallest footprint for the recovered vCenter Server Appliance

  1. Deployment size for this lesson will be "Tiny vCenter Server". Click Next

Select datastore

This simulation contains only one datastore. In typical environments there would be multiple datastores available.

FreeNAS:NFSA datastore is already selected

  1. Click Enable Thin Disk Mode
  2. Click Next

Temporary network settings

For this simulation we are using DHCP, however in a typical environment you would use a static IP assignment. The VM Network is pre-configured as part of this lesson we are leaving the default IP version as IPv4.  The IP address used here will be replaced when the appliance is configured with source IP.  That is why this is a temporary setting.

  1. Click and select DHCP as the IP assignment (System Name remains blank in this lesson)
  2. Click Next

Stage 1: Ready to complete

  1. Review the summary
  2. Click Finish to start Deployment of the appliance

Stage 1: Deployment Complete

This process was sped up as part of the simulation. In a typical environment this could take several minutes to complete.

  1. Click Continue to begin Stage 2 of the Windows vCenter Server migration to the vCenter Server Appliance

Set Up vCenter Server Appliance: Introduction

Stage 2 involves configuring the newly deployed vCenter Server Appliance by copying the configuration data from the source Windows vCenter Server.

  1. Click "Next to begin Stage 2 and set up the vCenter Server Appliance

Set Up vCenter Server Appliance: Pre-migration check result

The installer runs a Pre-Migration check and in this example provides some information warnings about network placement as shown.  It is ok to proceed here.

  1. Click Close to continue

Set Up vCenter Server Appliance: Join AD Domain

  1. Enter AD User name Administrator
  2. Enter AD Password VMware1!
  3. Click Next

Set Up vCenter Server Appliance: Select migration data

As mentioned previously in the Migration Overview, the process will enable you to migrate everything (Configuration, events, tasks, and perfromance metrics) to the new vCenter Server Appliance.  THREE options are presented for how much data to migrate.

  1. For this simulation select the third option "Configuration, events, tasks, and perfromance metrics"
  2. Click Next

Ready to complete

Review the settings, as information about the Source, Target and Migration Data will be listed here

  1. Click and select I have backed up the source vCenter machine and all the required data from the database
  2. Click Finish
  3. Click Ok on the Shutdown Warning

Verify login

This process was sped up as part of the simulation. In a typical environment this could take several minutes to complete. There will be three steps displayed as completed, review this screen to learn more about them.

  1. Click Close and Google Chrome will open with a Welcome screen
  2. Click Log in to the vSphere Web Client to open it
  3. Username: administrator@vsphere.local
  4. Password: VMware1!
  5. Click Login

Verify version

  1. Click the dropdown arrow next to Help
  2. Click on About VMware vSphere (The NEW version of vSphere Web Client will be displayed)

This concludes Stage 2 of migrating the Windows vCenter Server to the vCenter Server Appliance.


The upgrade and migration to the vCenter Server Appliance was successfully completed by using the Migration Assistant.  This is part of the new vSphere toolset. We migrated the external Single Sign-On server first, followed by the Windows vCenter Server.  When this concluded, we were left with new vSphere versions of an external Platform Services Controller Appliance and the vCenter Server Appliance.

To return to the lab, click the link in the upper right corner or close this browser tab.